Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bee Yard Update - Oct. 10, 2012 - Feeding

This afternoon, I put a hive-top feeder filled with straw on both hives. It was cold and blustery, so the bees weren’t flying, which made the procedure a bit easier.

I filled each feeder with 2:1 sugar syrup, allowing 6 cups of sugar per hive (a little more than 6 cups liquid when dissolved in water – preparation 6 c boiling water, 12 c sugar, stir until dissolved. Let cool briefly before pouring into feeder).

Above each feeder, I replaced the inner cover, then topped it off with a honey super filled with insulation to help keep the heat in. Over that went the outer cover.

Time to get bees ready for winter!
If the bees are anything like mine at home, they should take all of the syrup down by tomorrow, when they will be fed again.

I explained the process of daily feeding to Judi, as I cannot be there each day to do it. I will check when I can. Although the bees have been fed using jars, they have been consuming all of the syrup until now. Hopefully, the process of feeding large quantities of syrup will let them store some honey for winter.

Oh yes, the electric fence is working quite well even though there wasn’t much sun today. My dog, Kiili, found out the hard way! I think her first visit to the Willow Springs beeyard did not favourably impress her! She opted to spend the rest of the visit in the car!


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